What is SMIIC 1:2019 Halal Food Certificate?
Halal Food means clean, safe food in accordance with Islamic Rules. In order for a food to be HALAL, ingredients and raw materials in accordance with Islamic provisions must be used in food, and the food must be produced in accordance with Islamic Rules at all stages from the entry of raw materials to the consumption to the final product.
Rules for halal products and services are determined by the SMIIC standards prepared by the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC), established within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), with the participation of member country experts.
In the HALAL Certification process, all stages from raw material to final product are checked for compliance with SMIIC standards and product control is carried out with tests and analyzes carried out in accredited laboratories. Halal certificate is issued for the products that pass both stages properly, and the use of the HALAL brand on the packaging of the products is allowed.
The continuity of the conformity of halal products and services is ensured by the surveillance and intermediate controls.
Halal Accreditation Agency – HAK
Institutions that want to issue HALAL Certificate in our country are authorized by HAK.