Level 4 Transformation

Level 4 Transformation

In the Level 4 'Transformation' of Airport Carbon Accreditation, airports need to align their carbon management targets with global climate targets and transform their operations with absolute emission reductions while strengthening stakeholder engagement.

How to achieve?

  • Set a policy commitment for absolute emissions reduction
  • Include additional (up to Level 3) Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions in the carbon footprint
  • Establish a long-term absolute carbon emission reduction target. Target amount and date should be aligned with IPCC 1.5°C or 2°C paths.
  • Develop a Carbon Management Plan to achieve the target. The airport will define its trajectory to achieve its goal of reducing carbon emissions and the actions it expects to stay on that trajectory.
  • Development of Stakeholder Partnership Plan. The Stakeholder Partnership Plan will demonstrate that the airport is actively directing third parties to achieve emission reductions themselves, either through its own mitigation plans or through measures initiated by the airport operator.

More information

To reach Level 4, an airport must set an absolute emission reduction target (ie, an airport operator target scope) that includes, as a minimum, all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. If an airport chooses to do so, it can include one or more of the sources of Scope 3 emissions in its target and thus partially or completely cover the airport as a system (ie a target scope with third parties).

The Implementation Handbook details the requirements for the carbon footprint, the definition of targets and trajectories, and stakeholder partnership.

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