With ISO 20000, an issue that the business world attaches great importance to has become clear. It helps in shaping the information technologies that come into play in the processes of protecting and transferring information, depending on a certain standard. A more active role is taken every day within the scope of this subject, which is constantly given importance both in business life and in daily life. It is emphasized that the business world should be able to keep up in this information sharing phase, which has an extremely wide usage area. It is also stated that companies or businesses that will want to compete in the business world will have great difficulty in keeping their place if they do not act in accordance with these standards.
With the ISO 20000 Information Technology Services Management System, situations such as the access of all companies that are experts in information technologies and providing services to their customers, improving their working conditions and managing their working activities are handled. ISO 20000, which is in the leading position in this regard, can also come into play in the control of processes. It is in a structure that can provide effective options by integrating with ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.
Benefits of ISO 20000 Information Technology Services Management System
1. EÇBS sistemi Sol Menüden Tesis-şube seçiniz,
2. Sera Gazı Uygulamasına geçiş yapınız,
3. Üst sekmelerde bulunan 4. Sekmeyi (EMİSYON RAPORLARI) seçiniz,
4. Yeni Emisyon raporu oluşturma (ileri sekmesi) seçeneğini seçiniz,
5. Sektör seçimini yapınız,
6. Rapor yılını seçiniz (her doğrulama yılı için 1 adet rapor oluşturmalısınız)
7. Onaylı İzleme planı seçiniz,(sonu üç nokta ile biten)
8. Oluştur butonuna basınız,
9. Sol Tarafta oluşan DOĞRULAMA YÖNETİMİ sekmesini seçiniz,
10. Burdan QSI BELGELENDİRME firmasını seçiniz
11. İstek gönder butonuna basınız,